Introduction to Music

With Mr. Brad
A combination of group piano, ukulele and percussion. Experiment with all these instruments while getting the basics of reading notes and understanding rhythm with fun music theory games.
Mondays and Tuesdays at 3:30 pm for elementary school-age children and 4:30 pm on Mondays for middle schoolers.
Cost: $150
Register in advance.

Get Started Today


$43 for 30 minutes

Lessons are available six days a week, and scheduled once a week.
45 minute and 1 hour lessons are also offered
($57 for 45 min and $75 for 1hr)


Mon-Sat 12pm - 8pm

We also offer additional times for Homeschool students

Already spoken with your JAM instructor? Click Here to Register.

Want More Information?

Fill out the form below in order to get started with lessons. Click Here to find out rates.