tom floyd

Guitarist, Tom Floyd, has been a professional musician and teacher for over 30 years.   He published “Quartal Harmony and Voicings for Guitar” Book & Cd, for Mel Bay Publications, one of the largest music publishers in the world.

Tom taught as an adjunct Professor of Jazz Guitar at Florida Atlantic University for 8 years.   He has played on recording sessions in Florida and Nashville , TN and worked for top Club Date agencies including Marshall Grant, Lester Lannon, Neil Smith and Bobby Hardwick. Tom studied with legendary guitarists Pat Martino, Jack Wilkins, Chuck Wayne, Sal Salvador and Don Arnone.  He organized and hosted seminars by Jack Wilkins, Tal Farlow and Pat Martino.

Tom plays various styles including: Jazz, Rock, Classical, Blues and Country. His Philosophy of Teaching is to help the student play the music that he or she wants to play and  give the student a practical understanding of the guitar and music theory.   He teaches the skills that enable the student to apply themselves to all forms of music.  Each student is an individual and is taught in a manner that inspires his or her personality.  Always laugh!

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